Informal Pathway


Here at St Christopher’s, we know that learning is a life long journey that can take many paths. Our informal curriculum recognises the specific learning needs of students on our pathway, and we understand that our students learn in many ways. We celebrate the achievements of our students, and we provide them with experiences that will grow their knowledge and skills. 


Each student on the pathway is offered the opportunity to build their knowledge through experiential learning. We know that our students learn through repetition, but we also ensure that they have lots of variation and opportunities to practice new skills. Each student has their own set of bespoke learning objectives.


Our goal is that our students become as independent and make choices in their own lives. In this way our students make connections and become more secure in their environment as possible.



Our curriculum focuses on four main areas of need; communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social and emotional wellbeing and physical/sensory wellbeing  Our class teams understand the students’ specific needs and learning styles and they aim to provide lessons that stretch and challenge our students through exploration and play. 


Session Overview


We endeavour to develop our learner’s early communication skills through our activities. We believe that every behaviour is a communication and through positive interactions and modelling with adults and peers we aim to develop early play skills. 


Physical wellbeing

Our physical and wellbeing sessions focus on developing fine and gross motor skills. We include rebound therapy on the trampoline and swimming sessions too. We develop core stability through sensory circuits and games.



We believe in the importance of meeting our learners needs and in providing them with positive interactions and opportunities to engage in activities that are important to them as individuals. These goals are incorporated in all our sessions but are particularly evident in creative sessions and is activities where sequences are completed, and a goal is achieved.



Continuous provision allows the students to experience themes and interests in their own way. We offer art exploration, music, and drama, we encourage creative construction. Cause and effect activities provide learners with opportunities to explore impact of their actions. ICT skills are interwoven throughout these activities.


Sensory & play

In these sessions we aim to develop our learners’ sensory preferences and likes and dislikes. This helps our learners to self-regulate and to make sense of the world around them. Sensory stories and sensology sessions allow our learners to explore the world through their senses. These types of activities help the process of the brain organising and interpreting sensory information- providing a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behaviour.


High Quality relaxation

This is an essential component of our learner’s daily timetable. Our sessions include relaxing and yoga, foot spas and massage. Learners are encouraged to choose their preferred methods of relaxation and to use these supports to help with self-regulation.



Although these activities are timetabled as lessons for our students, we also take every opportunity to use our independent skills in real life through this repetition students develop increased life skills and an understanding of cause and effect.


Outdoor exploring

These sessions will give the pupils opportunities to access learning outside of the classroom. Although it may be timetabled, it is encouraged to capitalise on good weather conditions to explore and engage in the outside environment. These sessions could include horticulture, den building, sensory exploration, play and proprioceptive activities.



Our learners are encouraged to make connections with the community that surrounds them at home, in school and in the wider environment. Sessions are structured to embed daily routines and to encourage responsibility for tasks within the school. Learners access shared facilities and learn to be in environments that are varied.


Integrated within the timetable; The use of multi-sensory spaces, Social interaction, Intensive interaction, Social and community experiences, Physiotherapy and access to specialist equipment and the use of AAC and assistive technology.


Increase in attention and engagement in experiences and opportunities.

Reduction in dysregulation and associated behaviours.

Increase in the ability to self-regulate.

Increase in positive communications with others.

Increased ability to work and play alongside peers.

Increased confidence in using particular and individualised means of communicating.

Increase in self-confidence, self-belief, self-esteem and in recognising ‘who I am’. 

Increase in independent behaviours and ability to make transitions.

Development of functional skills including early maths and English.

Increased ability to engage with others, make community connections and be aware of the world around them.