Reading and Communication


At St Christopher’s school we believe the skills of communication and reading are critical for all pupils to ensure that they can access the entire curriculum and is necessary, so pupils are able to successfully access the community in a safe and functional way.


Every element of a pupil’s day ensures that communication, interaction, and language acquisition is consolidated through effective adult modelling, targeted and incidental learning opportunities. This is from the moment they are greeted at school, through lessons, breaks and lunch and their goodbye at the end of the day. 

A total communication approach across the school allows all pupils to develop their expression and expressive language through their preferred communication system.


We feel that communication and reading should always be an enjoyable, shared experience where children develop a love of books, stories as well as other reading resources around them such as magazines, age-appropriate papers, maps, and travel leaflets such as bus and train timetables. 


Communication and reading are one of the most important skills that a young person can have. It opens a world of possibilities and allows for both our verbal and non-verbal students to learn new things. Reading exposes them to new ideas and different ways of thinking. This helps the students to critically evaluate information and make better decisions both inside and outside of the classroom.



Our universal offer for pupils includes

High quality modelling of communication and interaction

Pupils throughout the school learn phonics at all stages through the Read Write Inc. scheme of learning.

Curriculum progression with flight paths from EYFS through to post 16

Purposeful curriculum pathways that meet the students starting points with a range of different experiences each year to consolidate and develop key skills.

Access to appropriate class and whole school resources that develop communication and reading.

A well-resourced school library with books that match the students decoding levels as well as picture books and a wide range of books of interest.

The love of reading is developed through appropriate access to listening to stories this can include sensory stories, story sacs, story time, audio books, guided reading, listening to individuals read as well as whole class reading of text.

Appropriate scaffolding resources that support students practice of key skills e.g., sound/word mats.


Pre Formal Informal Semi Formal Formal
Across the school children to be surrounded by experiences that help them to gain the skills needed for reading. The joy of stories, along with being an active part of this enjoyment is crucial. High expectations for all to be encouraged.
Learning associated with communication focuses on the development of total communication.

Providing opportunities to allow children to find a means for communication.

Observing children and discovering opportunities for children to realise they can have an effect.

Environment – enabling cause and effect – responsive.

Learners will decide the direction of their learning and teachers will use this to inform planning.

Responsive and respectful of learner’s voice and their means of communication.

Promote the fundamentals of communication.

Develop communication skills.

Develop and increase attention to a range of experiences and activities.

Develop participation and active engagement in activities.
Develop early communication skills.

Develop joint and shared attention with those around them.

Develop positive interactions with adults and peers.

Develop early play skills.
Ensure that communication, interaction and language acquisition is consolidated through effective adult modelling, targeted and incidental learning opportunities.

Ensure the curriculum allows for progression of reading and English skills.
Skills of communication and reading to be taught so that pupils can access entire curriculum, and to prepare for exams in Secondary school.

Ensure the curriculum allows for progression of reading and English skills.

Children to be exposed to a curriculum that teaches the skills needed to read – word recognition, language comprehension, motivation to read and develop fluency.

Children to be exposed to a curriculum that teaches the skills needed to write – language development, punctuation, grammar, spellings, handwriting composition and word processing.


We know that many of our parents/carers are keen to support their children with reading. Our aim is to install and nurture ‘Pleasure for Reading’ for all our children. Students are encouraged to take home a library book especially chosen by the student; this book is to give an opportunity to share and communicate through the book with their adults at home. Whether it is talking about or enjoying the pictures, having the book read to them by an adult or taking turns in reading, the main aim is enjoyment. Alongside their love of reading book, for our readers, each student is given a school reading book to use in the school and at home. These are grading according to the phonics level the student is working at, allowing for progression and to ensure our readers become more confident and proficient at reading. Once fluent, the student can choose their own reading book and they are encouraged to widen their choices through different genres and authors. 


Pre-Formal Curriculum Informal
Semi-Formal Curriculum Formal

Development 0-18 months

Additional physical and health needs.

Development 12 months – 36 months

Additional sensory sensitivities and emotional regulation needs.

Development 36 months – 5 years

Working 3-4 years below age-related expectations.
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Pedagogy Process-Based learning Process-Based learning with some skill-based learning. Skills based learning with some early knowledge learning. Skills and knowledge-based learning.
Approach Personalised Learning Personalised Learning
Individual Sensory Diet
Personal Learning Intentions (PLIs)
Skill Builders
St Christopher’s Stages

Reading Across Pathways


It is our aspiration at St Christopher’s that all our learners make sufficient progress appropriate to their level and develop a love of reading/stories. Through the teaching of synthetic phonics our learners will become confident readers and unlock a love of reading, whether this is through sharing picture books and sensory stories right up to enjoying a variety of genre such as graphic novels or short stories. We aim for many of our students to move into the functional world with the reading and communication skills to enable them to be as independent as they possibly can.


Pre Formal Informal Semi Formal Formal
All learners make good progress appropriate to their level and develop a love of reading/stories.
Pupils will be engaged in meaningful and relevant learning experiences to enhance their opportunities to develop communication/reading skills.
Pupil will be developing early communication skills.

With the support of adults the students will be able to develop shared attention with others.

Students will be able to positively interact with adults and peers as well as continuing to develop early play skills.
Pupils will have achieved a level of reading that allows access to functional language.

Pupils will have developed a love of reading.

Pupils will have achieved a level of writing that enables access to functional activities in the community.
Pupils will be competent readers.

Pupils will have developed a love of reading.

Pupils will be competent writers.