Referral Criteria

Referral is considered for children from birth to school age, whose development is delayed by approximately one third of its age in at least two different skill areas or a diagnosis or recognised syndrome which is likely to lead to a delay in their learning such as their understanding, self help or physical skills.


Please note: Children who are in receipt of their 15 hours allocated Early Years funding may not be eligible to receive Portage involvement, however all referrals would be considered on an individual basis at the discretion of the


Initial visit

  • Families are initially offered 6 planned visits. Further 6 week cycle of visits to be discussed on a Plan, Do, Review cycle in agreement between the parents/carers and Portage team.
  • To ensure commitment to the service - if a family fail to engage in the service eg were not available for 3 consecutive planned visits, the relevant Portage team to write to the family to explain and if agreed within the team, the family would go back onto the waiting list.


Portage Referral Form.docx
Microsoft Word Document 45.2 KB